Joseph (earthly guardian of Jesus) Father: Jacob (Matthew 1:16) Spouse: Mary Sons: James, Joseph, Simon, Judas (Matthew 13:55) Daughters: Several unnamed (Matthew 13:56) Famous Ancestors: Abraham, David, Solomon First mention: Matthew 1:16 Final mention: John 6:42 Meaning of his name: "Increaser, may God add" Frequency of his name: Referred to 16 times Biblical books mentioning him: Three books (Matthew, Luke, John) Occupation: Carpenter Important fact about his life: He was the godly legal(but not physical) father of Jesus. Copyright 1999, used by permission from Dr. H.L. Willmington. Joseph was of royal lineage, a descendant of David (Matthew 1:1-16; Luke 1:27; 2:4). Matthew portrays him as a man of good and godly character, desiring to deal respectfully with Mary and being obedient to the Word of the Lord (Matthew 1:18-20, 24-25; 2:13-14, 19-23).